The AQCFG is user friendly software designed for use with AQUAS’s comprehensive range of products. It is compatible with Microsoft Windows, making full use of the built-in screen and print support, and incorporating many features to easy operation and to maximize efficienc
The AQCFG offers functions including system configuration, diagnosis, parameters settings
for alarm profiles and control rules, Cellular/Wireless signal strength survey and RF power adjustment, sensor calibration and state analysis, online data monitoring and control, and upload/download functions.
Quick and Flexible Connection
Simple Configuration and Diagnosis
Real-time Data Monitoring and Control
Easy Sensor Calibration and State Analysis
Flexible Log Data Presentation
Efficient Data Exchange
Quick and Flexible Connection
RS232 online configuration
Wireless over the air online configuration
Cellular(SMS) remote online configuration
Cellular/GPS/wireless signal strength survey
Wireless RF power adjustment to save power or enlarge the communication distance
Simple Configuration and Diagnosis
Supports multiple languages, includes Chinese, English, Spainish, Portugal...etc
Easy to view the hardware configuration, status and I/O use a tree structure graphical display in the Windows explorer style
Synchronizing setting with ID, date and time, regions, etc.
GPS time and location synchronization
Flexible alarm profiles(HH, H, L, LL), values adjustable with every 30 min time step
IF_THEN_ELSE, time table, PID control rules
System and communication status diagnosis
Real-time Data Monitoring and Control
Sensors, I/Os, real-time data monitoring
Relay on/off and analog output control
Easy Sensor Calibration and State Analysis
Sensor zero, span, and offset calibration
Sensor state analysis for inadequate range, drifting, failure, etc.
Flexible Log Data Presentation
Displays log data and alarm as table at specified date/time interval
Alarm data color coded with different level and severity
Efficient Data Exchange
Upload logged data, alarm, system status, systemevents for analysis and diagnosis
Upload configuration parameters, control rules, and alarm profiles, saving and download for re-use
Export log data and time stamp into Excel spread sheet or as CSV file between specified intervals for customizable data analysis
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